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Q: Is the program suited to men and women alike?

A: Definitely! The basic guidelines provided for healthy eating, fitness effectiveness and facilitating change are equally valuable to male and female participants. Couples have taken the program simultaneously and had success supporting each other.


Q: Should I clear it with my doctor before registering for the program?

A: We do strongly recommend that you have had a recent physical and let your primary care physician know you are planning to participate in the program.


Q: Do I need a Facebook account to access the program?

A: Yes, but you can easily open a phantom account that only interacts with OptWell 50+. Learn how here. When setting up your account, simply assign a nickname you would like to use for the program and choose a picture of whatever you like (a sunset? a basket of puppies?) and skip the other networking functions covered on the video to further personalize your new account.


Q: Should I already be exercising and trying to eat healthy before starting the program?

A: While we are here to meet you where you are today, best results will be gained by those already committed to and practicing a fitness lifestyle. The fitness and healthful eating fundamentals are universal and will work for everyone, but we're not the best choice if you are hoping to start a program with no prior experience with eating and training for performance and athletic capacity. Clients will be given a safer, more effective and time-efficient set of practices to carry them to the next level. Our focus is on practical application customized to your unique situation.


Q: What if I have special dietary or exercise considerations?

A: Dan (our master trainer) and Anne (our registered dietitian) are available for special consultations to help you determine how much additional support and what modifications  you may need to ensure your success.


Q: Will there be a diet to follow with a specific meal plan?

A: You don't have to follow a rigid, detailed diet on our program. You will be given  an effective, flexible and proven meal and snack template as well as tools and resources to revamp your current eating habits into a lifelong sustainable approach.  Each week will build upon the previous week, so by the end of the program you will have everything you need to maintain a healthier relationship with food. 


Q: May I get a refund if the program doesn't meet my expectations?

A: Our mission is to provide you with the most effective, comprehensive, collaborative and encouraging source of guidance and support possible for an online resource. To ensure you are as happy as possible with your outcome, we have a helpful pre-qualifying intake survey. This is your opportunity to get very clear about what our respective roles (ours, and, more importantly, yours) are in making the most of this journey together. In the program you will be urged to present a fully open and receptive mindset and to engage us, your team, in your quest to overcome obstacles for which there are practical solutions. We will provide the solutions — you provide the willingness to put them into practice. The program will invite you to provide weekly feedback on your practice of the strategies and tactics we present, including letting us know about any additional guidance you require (our fitness expert and registered dietitian have limited hours available for personalized one-on-one support at their regular hourly rates).  


That said, we realize that unforeseen circumstances (work or family emergencies) may arise during the six-week program. In those cases we offer you the options of putting your membership on hold and enrolling in a future session (we offer sessions three times annually) or transferring the balance of your membership to a partner, friend or family member. Finally, in the event you complete the program and are not fully satisfied, we will grant a refund provided you are willing to complete a brief exit survey so we may learn from your experiences and continue to improve our services.


Q: Is the group size limited?

A: Yes. In order to provide the highest quality and maximum level of interaction for participants, we are currently limiting our enrollment to 20 members. If you do not make the current group cutoff, you can reserve your place in the next session.


Q: What if I'm not over 50 yet?

A: As long as you plan to be 50 and older sometime in the near future, the program is probably a great fit for you! That said, if you are under 40, you may want to wait until the particular areas of knowledge we present and practice strategies we provide are more relevant to your unique needs. We also offer a sample of the course content in our digital booklets, available for purchase here, or you can take our self-paced digital courses, which offer more in-depth instruction and video workout routines.


Q: Is there a way I can get a discount off the program price?

A: Yes! We offer a referral reward of $120 (20%) for each registrant referred by you who registers at the full price. Contact us for more information.


Q: Do I need any special exercise equipment?

A: The critical pieces of equipment you'll need for the program are:

    1. An exercise mat for core work and stretching (thicker than a yoga mat, but you'll need one of those too for the yoga classes).

   2. Dumbbells and/or resistance bands (once you have registered we'll provide more specific guidance on these based on your current strength level). If you have regular access to a more extensive array of equipment, let us know and we'll direct you accordingly based on your unique situation.


It's great if you have an aerobic device or other options (elliptical trainer, rowing machine, stationary bike, treadmill or a pool you can use) but all cardio presented in the program needs only your body weight and a little bit of space on a flat, firm floor.


Frequently Asked Questions

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