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Dan Taylor

Over 50? Over Covid Paralysis? Reclaim your Life in 2021.

It's time to take control of what's left of your next fifty years - today.

In times like these it may feel like there’s nothing you can control, and as 2021 arrives the headlines just tell us things may get worse before they get better.

But through it all there IS something you can control: Your health and wellness.

While I understand all the jokes around the “shelter-in-place” 15 pounds gained, thanks to those nightly glasses of wine required to recover from a day of homeschooling, what we’ve endured the past year has taken a toll on our mental health and physical fitness.

What if I told you that despite what’s going on in the world you don’t have to give up on yourself? It is still possible to achieve your goal of having a healthy well-balanced life.

At we’ve found a way to offer wellness seekers in their 50s a virtual health and wellness program that’s fun, personalized and interactive. We aim to make living healthy as simple and manageable as possible, and we make sure to consider your needs holistically, focusing on your entire mind, body and spirit to make the rest of your life the best of your life.

The research continues to pile up linking a healthful lifestyle to dramatically reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, many forms of cancer and, more recently, Alzheimer’s and dementia. And it is widely known that wholesome eating and a well-designed fitness program improve strength, stamina, flexibility, resistance to back and joint injuries, improved balance, cognitive abilities and stress management.

The simple, flexible online program uses a private Facebook group to create a community that integrates valuable knowledge about proactive graceful aging practices.

In my 23 years as a fitness educator, I’ve learned that simply wanting to enjoy a higher quality of life is not enough. Being clear on exactly what works and knowing you can be successful, if you show up fully for the process, are the real keys to success.

Just for the holidays: OptWell50Plus is offering 15% off for our six-week session beginning January 18. At a fraction of the cost of private sessions with a master personal trainer or an experienced registered dietitian (let alone both), you will learn all you need to know to achieve your peak health and wellness in 2021. Sign up today: Use discount code GETFIT2021 at checkout.

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